The Kerala High Court has made a significant decision regarding the upcoming film “Neru,” starring the acclaimed actor Mohanlal. Justice Devan Ramachandran, presiding over a Single Judge Bench, addressed a writ petition filed by Deepu K Unni, a story and screenplay writer, who alleged that the script of the film directed by Jeethu Joseph had been plagiarized. Despite acknowledging the petition, the court declined to issue a stay on the film’s release, scheduled for December 21.
In the writ petition, Deepu K Unni asserted that the script for “Neru” was his intellectual property and had been unlawfully taken by the filmmakers. The petitioner sought intervention from various authorities, including the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC), the Union Government, the state government, and the state police, to prevent the release of the film.
According to Unni, he had shared his script with director Jeethu Joseph and actor Adv Santhi Priya, who are co-writers of the film, in 2021. Unni claimed that Joseph and Priya coerced him into providing copies of the script, citing the need for expert legal input to comprehend the “emotional court drama sequence.”
The petitioner further alleged that the respondents, including Jeethu Joseph, Adv Santhi Priya, and Neru’s Executive Producer Antony Perumbavoor, released the film’s trailer containing sequences identical to his presented script without giving him due credit or involving him in the filmmaking process.
As of Wednesday, December 20, “Neru” has seen notable pre-sales in Kerala, generating Rs 63.66 lakh across 740 shows, with an admission count of 38,621, occupying 19.49 per cent, according to Forum Keralam’s Twitter Forum.
About Neru
The film’s narrative revolves around Sara, a visually impaired artist seeking justice after enduring a traumatic experience. Alongside Mohanlal, the cast features Siddique, Priya Mani, Anaswara Rajan, Santhi Mayadevi, Jagadish, and Ganesh Kumar in significant roles.
While the court has issued a notice to the respondents, it refrained from halting the film’s release at this stage, allowing legal proceedings to unfold.
This legal development has stirred significant attention and discussion in the film industry and among the audience. Plagiarism claims in the creative realm are not uncommon, and they often raise complex legal questions. The court’s decision not to stay the film’s release suggests a cautious approach, allowing legal proceedings to determine the veracity of the allegations.
The petitioner, Deepu K Unni, is likely to present detailed arguments supporting his claim during the subsequent legal proceedings. The court will assess the evidence and legal arguments put forth by both parties to determine whether plagiarism has occurred and if the petitioner’s rights have been infringed.
The decision not to stay the film’s release implies that the court is allowing the legal process to unfold while ensuring that any potential harm to the petitioner’s rights can be adequately addressed through legal remedies if the plagiarism claims are substantiated.
As the legal proceedings progress, the outcome will have implications not only for the parties involved but also for the broader film industry. The case may set precedents or reinforce existing legal principles regarding intellectual property protection in the context of film scripts.
As the release date approaches, the audience’s curiosity about “Neru” is heightened not only by the film’s narrative but also by the legal developments surrounding its production. The court’s decision not to stay the release ensures that viewers can experience the film while the legal process addresses the plagiarism claims, underscoring the complexity of intellectual property issues in the dynamic and competitive world of filmmaking.