In a strategic move aimed at elevating safety and quality benchmarks, the government of India has reinforced regulations governing automobile wheel rims through the issuance of the Automobile Wheel Rim Component (Quality Control) Amendment Order-II, 2023. This significant development follows the initial Quality Control Order (QCO) introduced in September 2020, reflecting the government’s commitment to ensuring robust standards in the automotive sector.
The Ministry of Heavy Industries (MHI) unveiled the latest order on December 19, signaling a commitment to upholding exemptions for exports and limited volume imports, catering to repairs, research and development (R&D), and low-production model vehicles. While maintaining these exemptions, the new order introduces more stringent thresholds, emphasizing a proactive approach to enhancing safety and quality in the automotive industry.
According to the notification from the MHI, the amendment is set to come into effect on December 22, 2023, or upon its publication in the Official Gazette, whichever occurs later. This timeline underscores the government’s urgency in implementing the revised regulations to address concerns related to automobile wheel rims promptly.
Stricter Import Quotas for Four-Wheeler Automobile Manufacturers
The amendment revises quotas for four-wheeler manufacturers concerning the import of wheel rims. Import allowances for repairs and after-sales service are now limited to 5,000 units annually, equivalent to serving 1,250 vehicles. Similarly, the cap for research and development (R&D) purposes has been set at 10,000 units per year, catering to 2,500 vehicles. Four-wheeler vehicle manufacturers are now permitted to import a maximum of 50,000 units of four-wheeler automotive wheel rims per financial year, intended for use in manufacturing 10,000 four-wheeler vehicles.
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Regulations for Two-Wheeler Vehicle Manufacturers
Each financial year, two-wheeler vehicle manufacturers are allowed to import a maximum of 24,000 units of two-wheeler automotive wheel rims for repairing or after-sales services, serving 12,000 two-wheeler vehicles. Additionally, a maximum of 10,000 units of two-wheeler automotive wheel rims can be imported for research and development (R&D) purposes, addressing the needs of 5,000 vehicles. Import of up to 70,000 units of two-wheeler automotive wheel rims per financial year, per two-wheeler vehicle manufacturer, is subject to specific conditions, including a limit of not more than 25,000 automobile wheel rim units of one type.
Exemptions and Special Provisions
The amendment incorporates provisions allowing exemptions for up to five wheel rims per vehicle under rule 126A of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989. This provision offers relaxation from testing if the number of vehicles sold in India for a specific base model and its variants remains below 250 in any consecutive six-month period within a year.