In a recent turn of events, the Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted a search at the Delhi residence of Jharkhand Chief Minister Hemant Soren as part of an ongoing money laundering investigation related to an alleged land deal case in Jharkhand. The operation lasted for almost 13 hours, leading to the seizure of ₹36 lakh in cash, an SUV, and what officials described as “incriminating” documents. This development has sparked a series of reactions from both the ruling Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) and the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).
ED Raids Jharkhand CM Soren’s Residence
The ED’s search at Hemant Soren’s residence in 5/1 Shanti Niketan, Delhi, unfolded on January 29. The federal agency, probing the alleged money laundering case linked to a Jharkhand land deal, uncovered ₹36 lakh in cash, an HR (Haryana) registered BMW with a “benami” name, and documents deemed incriminating during the operation. Hemant Soren, who was not present during the raid, has conveyed his willingness to depose before the ED on January 31 at his Ranchi residence.
Soren’s Response
In response to the ED’s actions, Chief Minister Soren labeled the agency’s insistence on recording his statement by January 31 as “politically motivated.” He accused the ED of attempting to disrupt the functioning of the State Government and prevent him from fulfilling his official duties. Soren, in an email to the ED, expressed his concerns about the timing of their actions, considering the upcoming Budget Session of the Legislative Assembly between February 2 and 29, 2024. The JMM has rallied behind Soren, criticizing the ED’s visit as an insult to the Chief Minister and the people of Jharkhand.
Political Reactions
Meanwhile, the BJP seized the opportunity to question Soren’s “absence” and labeled him as “missing.” BJP state chief Babulal Marandi even shared a “missing” poster for the Chief Minister, offering a reward of Rs 11,000 for information leading to his return. The political tension escalated as Jharkhand’s MLAs and cabinet ministers convened at Ranchi’s Circuit House to deliberate on the unfolding situation.
Soren Counters ED’s Summons
Hemant Soren’s email to the ED questioned the urgency of recording his statement on or before January 31, deeming it malicious and politically motivated. He argued that the issuance of the summons was a vexatious exercise of power, suggesting a potential agenda to destabilize the State Government. The Chief Minister expressed his commitment to fulfilling official duties, preparing for the upcoming Budget Session, and attending prior scheduled engagements.
JMM’s Reaction
The JMM, standing in solidarity with its leader, condemned the ED’s visit as a sudden intrusion that disrespected the Chief Minister’s position and the 3.5 crore people of Jharkhand. The party raised questions about the independence of constitutional institutions like the ED, suggesting that they might be influenced or manipulated for political gains.
BJP’s Allegations
The BJP, on the other hand, continued to question Soren’s whereabouts and accused him of being “missing.” Babulal Marandi’s offer of a reward for information added a dramatic twist to the political saga. The BJP’s allegations further fueled the ongoing political turmoil in Jharkhand.
As the political drama unfolds, the money laundering case involving Chief Minister Hemant Soren has taken center stage in Jharkhand. The ED’s search at Soren’s residence has triggered a war of words between the ruling JMM and the opposition BJP. The urgency surrounding the recording of Soren’s statement, coupled with the upcoming Budget Session, adds complexity to the situation. Whether the investigation will reveal substantial evidence or remain mired in political allegations remains to be seen, but its repercussions are sure to resonate in the political landscape of Jharkhand.
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