In a devastating incident that unfolded at Harni Lake in Vadodara, at least 12 schoolchildren and two teachers lost their lives when a boat, overloaded with passengers, capsized during a school picnic. The tragic event occurred on Thursday, casting a shadow over what was supposed to be a day of joy and recreation.
Tragedy Strikes Vadodara: 14 Lives Lost in Harni Lake Boat Capsize
The ill-fated boat, which had a designated capacity for 16 passengers, was carrying a staggering 34 occupants at the time of the incident. Among them were 30 students aged between 10 and 13 years and four teachers. Miraculously, 18 students and two teachers were rescued after the boat capsized, but the toll of lives lost has left the community in shock and mourning.
The ill-fated outing was organized as a school picnic for 60 students from New Sunrise School. Preliminary reports suggest that the students and their teachers arrived at Harni Lake around 4:30 pm and eagerly boarded the boat as part of the planned excursion. Tragically, the joyous atmosphere turned into a nightmare as the overloaded vessel succumbed to the weight, resulting in the loss of innocent lives.
Devastating Vadodara Incident
VMC standing committee chairperson, Dr. Sheetal Mistry, highlighted the critical nature of the situation, stating, “In case of children drowning, even a delay of two or three minutes underwater can result in death.” The rescue efforts were further complicated by the sludge at the bottom of the lake, hindering the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) in their attempts to save lives.
The boating facility at Harni Lake, known as Lake Zone, is operated by Kotia Projects, a private company, under a Public Private Partnership contract with the Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC). This partnership was established following a beautification project in 2016. In the wake of the tragedy, two individuals, including the facility manager, have been arrested. An FIR has been filed against M/s Kotia Projects under various sections of the Indian Penal Code, including culpable homicide not amounting to murder, attempt to culpable homicide, and rash or negligent act endangering human life.
PM Modi Offers Condolences and Financial Aid
As the gravity of the situation became apparent, the state home department promptly ordered an inquiry led by the Vadodara District Magistrate. This comprehensive investigation aims to uncover the cause and circumstances surrounding the incident, while also scrutinizing any negligence or carelessness on the part of the local administration, contractor, or others involved. The government has set a ten-day deadline for the submission of the inquiry report.
Expressing his condolences, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced an ex-gratia of Rs 2 lakh for the families of the deceased and Rs 50,000 for those injured. In a tweet, he conveyed his distress, saying, “Distressed by the loss of lives due to a boat capsizing at the Harni Lake in Vadodara. My thoughts are with the bereaved families in this hour of grief.” He acknowledged the local administration’s efforts in providing assistance to those affected.
Heartrending Vadodara Incident Claims Lives
Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel also shared his sorrow, terming the incident “heartrending.” He extended prayers for the departed souls and offered condolences to the grieving families. The Chief Minister assured immediate relief and treatment for the victims and directed the administration to act swiftly in response to the tragedy.
Among those rescued, six individuals were transported to SSG Hospital. Unfortunately, it was confirmed that a 15-year-old boy and two girls, along with two 45-year-old teachers, had lost their lives. The hospital played a crucial role in confirming the tragic outcomes, underscoring the severe impact of the incident.
Vadodara Tragedy Highlights Urgency of Prioritizing Child Safety
Amidst the grief, Opposition leader Ami Ravat condemned the incident, attributing it to “criminal negligence” by both the contractor and supervising officers. Ravat emphasized the need for legal action, urging the police to pursue a case of culpable homicide against all responsible parties.
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The Vadodara community, still grappling with the shock and loss, awaits the findings of the official inquiry. As the nation mourns the young lives lost, questions about safety protocols, oversight, and accountability loom large, demanding swift and just action to prevent such tragic incidents in the future. The profound impact of this unfortunate incident serves as a somber reminder of the importance of prioritizing safety measures and stringent regulations, especially when the well-being of children is at stake.
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