Telegram has just announced its latest update, version 10.5.0, bringing a fresh design to voice and video calls, along with a revamped delete animation for Android users. The application is used by many across the country to connect with people through fully encrypted messages, voice and video calls. And this new update does not only get you a new look and appeal, but also promises to be lighter on your device.
New UI for Voice and Video Calls in Telegram
In a blog post, Telegram said that the new UI (user interface) uses less resources and hence will lead to a performance boost and extended battery life for your phones. The app will also “work better” on older devices because of the update.
Talking about the update, Telegram said, “In this update, we have totally redesigned calls, adding new animations and beautiful backgrounds that change dynamically based on the call’s status: ringing, active or ended. The new interface requires fewer resources than before, which means it saves battery life and works better on older devices.”
In addition to this, new animations and dynamic backgrounds have also been introduced that change based on the call’s status – whether it’s ringing, active, or concluded. The app also announced better call quality.
Vaporize Animation Now Available on Android
Just last month, Telegram had announced “vaporize animation” for iPhone users called the “Thanos Snap” effect. This new animation promises a seamless and more efficient user experience. And now, the feature is available for Android users as well.
The company noted in the blog post, “Last month we added an experimental vaporize animation on iOS for auto-deleted messages. This impressive (and energy-efficient) animation is now available on both iOS and Android and plays whenever you delete any message.”
Bots Get a Boost
The blog post announced that Bots on the platform also get a boost. As part of the update, bots are now able to react to messages, handle quoted messages, shoot out replies, and more.
Other New Features
- Edit Stories After Posting: Earlier, Telegram introduced the stories feature, which has been available on WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram for a while now. However, this feature came with a twist. You can also edit your stories in Telegram after posting them.
“For the first time in the history of social media, you can update any element of your story at any time – changing its visibility, caption, on-screen text, stickers or anything else – without having to delete and repost it from scratch,” the company was quoted by IANS.
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“Stories are displayed in an expandable section at the top of your screen – so you still see the full length of your chat list and folders,” it added.
- Group Video Calls with Up to 1,000 Participants: In May 2020, Telegram increased the maximum number of participants in group video calls to 30. In June 2020, the limit was raised to 500. Now, the company has announced that group video calls can now have up to 1,000 participants.
- Screen Sharing with Audio: In June 2020, Telegram introduced screen sharing for one-on-one video calls. Now, the feature has been expanded to group video calls.
- Improved Media Player: The media player in Telegram has been redesigned with a new interface and new features. The new player now supports picture-in-picture mode, allowing you to watch videos while you chat.
- New Interactive Emojis: Telegram has added a new set of interactive emojis that can be used in chats. These emojis can be animated and can respond to touch.
- New Themes: Telegram has added a new set of themes that can be used to customize the look of the app.
The new update to Telegram is a significant one, bringing a number of new features and improvements to the app. The redesigned UI for voice and video calls is a welcome change, and the new features for bots and groups are sure to be popular with users. With over 800 million users, Telegram is one of the most popular messaging apps in the world, and this latest update is sure to help it continue to grow.