In a recent development, Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla took action against three more Opposition MPs, suspending them for alleged “unruly behavior.” This brings the total number of suspensions to 146. The move came shortly after the INDIA bloc, a coalition of opposition parties, organized a march from Parliament to Vijay Chowk to protest against the government. The three MPs suspended in this round, namely DK Suresh, Nakul Nath, and Deepak Baij, all belong to the Congress party.
The suspension of MPs has triggered a fresh wave of political tensions in the ongoing Winter Session of Parliament. The opposition has been critical of the government’s handling of various issues, including the recent security breach at the Parliament. Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge accused Prime Minister Narendra Modi of violating parliamentary privilege by not addressing the security breach issue inside the Parliament.
Reacting to the suspension of MPs and the passage of important bills in the absence of the Opposition, Congress MP Karti Chidambaram expressed concern, stating that the government seemed uninterested in having the Opposition in the House. He compared the situation to batting in a cricket match without any fielders and criticized the government for pushing significant legislation without allowing for proper discussion, debate, or dissent.
During their protest, lawmakers carried banners and placards with messages such as ‘Save Democracy,’ ‘Opposition MPs Suspended,’ ‘Parliament Caged,’ and ‘Democracy Expelled.’ The march aimed to highlight their concerns about the current state of democracy and parliamentary proceedings.
Political Statements after Suspension of MPs in Parliament
Mallikarjun Kharge emphasized the Opposition’s intent to address the Parliament security breach issue and questioned why Prime Minister Modi did not discuss it within the Parliament. He described Parliament as a significant forum for raising such concerns and expressed disappointment that Home Minister Amit Shah and Prime Minister Modi did not provide insights into the security breach within the House.
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Kharge accused Prime Minister Modi of disrespecting the Parliament by addressing certain issues outside rather than within the House. He criticized Modi for not speaking in the Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha and labeled it a violation of the House’s privilege.
In response, BJP MP SP Singh Baghel criticized the Opposition for supporting TMC MP Kalyan Banerjee and Congress MP Rahul Gandhi in the row triggered by Banerjee’s mimicry of Rajya Sabha Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar. Baghel accused the INDIA Alliance of operating on the principle of ‘the enemy of my enemy is my friend’ and suggested that the suspended members should reflect on their actions during the Parliament session.
The ongoing political developments underscore the heightened tensions and clashes between the ruling party and the Opposition in the current parliamentary session. The suspension of MPs and the Opposition’s accusations against the government set the stage for continued confrontations and debates on critical issues affecting the country. As the Winter Session progresses, the dynamics within the Parliament are likely to shape the political discourse and impact legislative outcomes.
It remains to be seen how the government and the Opposition navigate these challenges and whether there will be opportunities for constructive dialogue and consensus-building amid the current political turbulence.